Slayers Life SideStory Teaser


Look, yet another side story! See, I write all my sisters side storys, while she writes the true story. I am not bright enough to write my own story. She locks me in a cage with a pencil and paper and will not let me out until I finish my story. Though she was being rather nice to me, giving me larger scrapes of meat then ever before... Anyways, I'm surprised this did not turn out dark! Oh, sorry, I'm rambling! Heres the story, you may slap me later!

Slowly the wind blew. The trees on the little hill rustled and the birds chirped their morning tunes. Slowly the sun made its way higher into the sky, letting its warm rays hit the earth like a blanket. On this little hill sat a little cabin, which sat a little couple.. well.. one smaller then the latter.

The window stayed open, letting the breeze flow through and having the light curtains dance. The rocking chair slowly moved, as if in motion with the curtains. A dust bunny flew through the air, and landed upon an unwelcome nose...

"ACHOO!" Echoed the voice throughout the tiny cabin. The tiny woman quickly caught herself, and wiped away at the nusience. She sniffled, and continued on her way down the hall, and to the very famliar kitchen. So familar because she was there so very often. The door slid open quietly, she peeked in. There she found a not to surprising scence.

The man, whom was looking for a quick snack, looked back to the sudden creak of the door which made the woman at the door jump at the sudden noise. He laughed a little, getting to his feet with a handful of treats. "Good morning!" He said, taking her an apple, which he sliped into her hand.

She blinked, and then smiled up at him, taking a large, unlady like bite. She chewed for several moments before she finally swallowed. "Thanks!" She said before pushing him aside anyway to find even more food.

He sighed a little, but knew that she had always had such an appititate. "Don't eat ALL the food.." Complained the man whom quickly chased behind.

"Why does it matter?" She responded, taking a handful of grapes that laid alone upon the counter. She pushed herself on the table, after looking to his face. "You know we have to leave soon anyways, we only rented this place for a month."

"I should have rented it longer.." He complined, brushing back his long strands of blonde hair. "I'm kinda worried about.."

"Don't worry, don't worry!" She cried out, shoving another handful of grapes into her mouth. "We'll just go somewhere else, we always do!"

"Its kinda different this time.." The blonde continued to insist. Again, he made his way toward her, and this time affectionatly placed his arms around her not-so-tiny-anymore-waist.

Quickly she blushed, still not so used to.. well, everything. Her arms went around his neck, eyes not leaving his. "Gourry Gabriev, I thought I told you not to worry!"

"Bu - " Before another word could be said, a finger was to his lip.

"I said shush now, didn't I?" She giggled as he nodded beneath her finger. "So listen and calm down!"

Gourry took her hand that was to his mouth and lightly kissed her finger. Slowly he slid it away, and again worry filled his eyes. "I'm just thinking about you Lina.." He said in a quieter voice.

Lina sighed, and then spoke again. "I know, I know.." She whispered back, laying her head upon his shoulder, closing her eyes. This always made her content.. To be so close..

"Do you think it will be soon..?" Gourry suddenly asked, very nervous.

"Do I look like a psyhic to you?" She asked sarcasticly, still laying her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed.

"Well.. no but.. I figured.." He gulped, and his fingers shaked upon her light skin, unwarpping her arms from around him to yet again look into those crimsion eyes. "Maybe you would know.. since.. well.."

"Sorry Gourry, I seriously can't tell you a date or time.." She thought for several moments, eyes traveling to the ceiling. "Its been almost eight and a half months.. so.."

"You can stop.." He said slowly, like he would fall over. He looked kinda pale too..

Lina went quiet, and then, after a moment or two, spoke once again. Her voice shook with that overacted emotion that she just couldn't help. "Does that me your regreting.."

"No!" Gourry quickly said without even a thought. "No way would I think that Lina! I'm just..kinda..."

She watched his face expressions, and came to the conclusion, yes, he was indeed very nervous. "Are you going to be alright?" She asked him, and then added, "Would you like to lay down and rest?"

"Uhmm.. Lina.. shouldn't that be my line to you?" That kind of confused him..

She hopped off her place on the counter before devouring the rest of the grapes. "Nah, but if your not going to rest, want to go and out with me?"

"Out where?" he asked, and then stopped. "Wait.. I think maybe you should rest Lina.. I mean.."

"When I'm tired, I'll rest. I'm not tired, so I'll go outside!" Before he could even open his mouth, she flew out the door, leaving it swinging in the light breeze that continued from that early morning.

"What am I going to do with you, my crazy angel.." Gourry whispered to himself, wiping away at his stray strands of blonde and pushing them behind his ear. Quickly he chased after her out the door. As he made his way away from the tiny cabin, he found Lina, under the nearby tree, quietly watching the town below the hill which they stayed. He smiled, and found himself beside her, he took a seat. Of course, he was as close as possible.

Lina's head turned toward him as he sat beside her. "Oh? So your not going to rest?" She asked in a teasing tone.

"I never said I was tired..." He said, watching Lina's face fall. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing!" She insisted, putting up her hands. "I was just.. ah, nevermind.." She laid back to her cozy little spot, and continued watching others to their daily chores. Thats when she felt the warm arms silently wrap around her, making her fall back a bit, but was caught by a very buff chest. Again, her eyes traveled to his.

His warm smile never died out. He leaned down, and nuzzled at her cheek and neck, then ended with a kiss to her forehead. Just happy with her in his arms, he leaned back into the hard trunk of the tree.

Lina almost purred, her eyes struggling now to stay awake. The warmth of the sun and his strong arms around her always seemed to produce this effect.. Then, without no more strength to struggle, she was carried to dreamland.

Gourry then looked down to his wife, hearing low snores that weren't loud, but played rymathicly against his chest. He let out a content sigh before he too found himself taken away..

It was noon when they found themselves awakened by a rummble of horses and carriages that traveled goods to the other side of the town the hill lyed in between. Many pasted at the time, maybe it was their wake up call..

The firey haired sorceress rubbed her eyes tiredly, and reluctantly rose from her husbands comfrotable chest. "Well, I supose thats our cue of lunch, right?"

"Yeah.. I'm kinda hungry.." Agreed the swordsman, stretching and then raising to his feet. "Do you wanna just go to town and eat? After all.. you did eat everything we had this morning.."

"All I had was an apple and some.. okay, all the grapes! You ate most of it!" She placed a hand on her oversized hip. "And you better not say otherwise.."

"Yeah.. well.. that was all we had.." Thats when he felt a pair of knuckles threatening to puncture his skull.

"WHAT IN THE NINE HELLS DO YOU MEAN!?" She cried out, eyes a blaze. She jumped away from him, but her fist was still raised.

Gourry cowarded, putting his arm up, ready for another attack. "I'm treating you to a meal!!" He cried out, trying his best not to be killed.

Slowly Lina's hand unclentched, and finally rested to her side. "Hmm.. treat.. as in you pay? That sounds good to me!" Slipping her hand underneath his, she pulled him along into the urban city.

To be pulled his one thing, to be dragged is another. "Lina- Lina, can you please not tug so roughly, we'll be there soon, I promise."

"Sorry!" She said, pulling away her hand. "Its just that you treating me is such a rare occasion.."

"Yeah, right" Gourry said sarcasticly, raising an eye brow. "Not like you don't trick me every chance you get.. Anyways, I feel like buying for ya today.."

"Huh? Why?" She asked, suddenly stopping to hear what he had to say. "You, buying me food because you *want* to, I gotta hear this!"

"Haha Lina, can't I treat you once in a while? And plus we dont have any food, and how much have you been bandit hunting lately?"

"Well.. no.."

"Then why would you have money to buy the food, now, lets stop talking because the more time we spend talking the longer time until we eat!"

Lina was stunned, simply standing there. He had just reasoned that all out.. within a few short moments.. Was she rubbing off on him? After blinking a few times, she realized they were there. "How the hell - "

Carefully Gourry gided her through the door, and as they reached the table he even pulled her chair out for her! Why was he being so nice all of a sudden... And when had taken a seat?! Was she losing it?!

Gourry folded his arms over the table. "So, what are you hungry for?"

"Now wait a second.." Lina started, trying to process this all through her mind. Finally she shurgged off the thought, hey, like they say, never look a gifted horse in the mouth!

"Wait for what?" Asked Gourry, picking up a menu that was left by the waitress. He handed one over to her. "Were you talking about the menus?"

She sweatdropped, but just sighed and lifted her own menu to read what this restraunt had to offer. Her eyes quickly scanned and then nodded before setting the menu back upon the table. To her surprise, Gourry had finished scanning it long before her.

The waitress appeared before them, notepad and pen waiting for their order. She really didn't look too enthused, I mean, she wasn't smiling. In fact, she had some what of a smug look. Her hair fell losely from its tied up bun. Really, she was a pretty girl, maybe she was just having a bad day.. "May I take your order?"

"Sure!" Gourry said, almost too cheerfully. He put the menu in the tiny pile they had made for her. "I'd like to have everything on the left side of the menu please." He looked to his wife, waiting for her order.

"I'll have... hmm.. Just get me every other thing on the menu." She answered, pushing back her hair.

The waitress almost fell backwards, even looking a little pale. "W-Will that be all..?" She asked, in a shaking voice. Maybe she was just stressed..

"Just water to drink, thanks." Replyed Gourry again with a smile.

A strand of hair fell losely to the side of the waitress' slim face. Quickly she took up the menus, and almost literally ran to the kitchen.

The swordsman smiled brightly again, used to this reaction.

"We kinda got small portions tonight.." Lina whsipered thoughtfully staring off into space.

"If your still hungry after.."

"I'm sure I'll be full." She answered quickly, placing her head upon her arms. She yawned a bit, getting Gourrys attention. "Are you tired Lina? Do you want to go home and rest after were done eatting?"

Lina sat up with a sigh. "Gourry, damnit I'm fine! You don't have to constantly worry, I'm absolutly postivily fine! And when there *is* something to worry about, I'll let you know!"

"Oh, sorry." He said, rubbing his head. "So.." He thought of a topic, something that would make her happy again.. Just something to get off this topic! "So.. umm.. think of any names?"

"Names?" She asked, and then it hit her. "Oh yeah, names!" She playfully hit herself upside the head sticking out her tounge. "More importantly, is it a boy or girl?"

"Gee Lina.. I dunno.." He answered, scratching his head.

"Nevermind.." She said after her head hit the table. "Okay, we can stick with names.."

Gourry rubbed his chin thoughtfully, thinking to himself 'gee, I need to shave.. wait.. I was thinking of names!' He smiled to himself. "Maybe.. if its a boy Row - "

"Gourry... thats orginal! Can't we think of something different!" She thought for a few moments before speaking again. "Maybe D - "

"Heres your orders" Said the waitress upon coming to the table again.

Lina clasped her hands together, eyes sparkling. "Itadakimasu!!!" She said with delight before shoveling her first portion into her mouth.

"Thanks!" He told the waitress before she left. "Itadakimasu!" He too said before quickly devouring his own. After all, if he didn't, she would have taken it for her own and he would starve!

In several minutes, not even a half hour later, the food was history....

Contently the two fell back into their seats. Gourry stretched as Lina simply picked the meat out from her teeth. Lina reached up and took to drinking the rest of her water.

"Are we done?" Asked Gourry, suddenly sitting up and ready to go.

"Sure." Answered his wife rather plainly before they both left.

When 'home' they found a quite unpleasent surprise...

"WHAT?!" Lina cried out in a rage.

"Settle down.." Gourry said calmly, trying again to open the door. "Well, guess we don't have the cabin anymore.." He said, finally coming to the conclusion.

"I thought we had this place for at least a week longer!" Lina insisted, still looking very angered over the entire thing.

"Guess we counted wrong.." He let out a heavy sigh. "Well, guess were going to look for an Inn.."

"Gourry, the Inns are closed!" She too sighed, also soming to a conclusion. "Guess were camping out.."

"No.." He said. face wrinkling with worry. "I don't want you to.."

"So, we walk all night?"

"No.." He looked around for something that would solve there problem, and he found it. What were the odds of that? "Be right back Lina!" He said suddenly.

"Huh? Gourry! We were having an important conversation here!" She called rather irritated. "Wait.. what the hell?" Asked Lina as he came back with a happy smile.

"Lina, the guy that rode by earlier with the hay said we could ride in the back while he delivered! And guess what, he's doing to Sairryuun!"

Now, what were the odds of that?! "How the hell did you find a delvery man at this time of night!?"

"Over there!" He answered, pointing a little down the hill to the carriage filled with hay.

"Okay..." She said with a sigh, it had been a long day.. "Lets just get the hell out of here before I fireball this cabin.."

"You know you can't - "

"Don't remind me.."

Soon they were bouncing in the back of the hay truck. Despite its looks, it was really comfortable. As they rode, Gourry put his hands behind his head, looking silently up at the stary sky. He smiled, knowing his life couldn't get any better.. Then he felt a tug at his shirt. His eyes glanced down to find Lina's tiny hand cluntching his shirt tightly. "Lina..?" He smiled when he realized she was asleep. "I wonder what your dreaming.." He whisper to her slumbering figure, turning towards her. Duriing this quiet moment, he wiped away her dark hair from her eyes. He touched her face, feeling the soft skin. His hand then rested upon her stomach, he too closed his eyes. No, but he would not sleep.

After all, he was her protector.

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